After years we have Olives to harvest.

The Olive trees in the Maha orchard are delivering a bountiful harvest. It has been thrilling to see all of the beautiful black olives appearing, as it has been rare for the trees to produce this amount of fruit….and yes, olives are a fruit!
The Olive trees in the are beautiful. They are an evergreen tree and keep their grey-green leaves all year round. The grey-green leaf with the black fruit is attractive. The trees are drought-tolerant, grow slowly, and have been known to have a life expectancy of 500 years. They are also tenacious and easily sprouted back even after being chopped to the ground.
Over the coming weeks, we will harvest the fruit and learn how best to use this lovely black fruit. There are 139 varieties of olives. According to their use, three groups of cultivars can be distinguished:
- Cultivars for oil extraction
- Cultivars for fruit consumption
- Dual Purpose Cultivars (for oil extraction and fruit consumption)
We will keep you posted on how we process the harvest: fruit, olive oil, hair care, body oils, and extracts.
Upcoming harvest activities include the Meyer Lemons and Tangerines.