April 8-12, 2019 Soil Food Web Course with Dr. Ingham

Make your plant yields abundant by attending the Soil Food Web Course. You can sign up for 1 day, 2 days, or all 5 days at GreenFriends Farm in Califonia.
WHO: This workshop is for farmers, landscapers, ranchers, creators and distributors of agricultural products, waste management professionals, soil and garden enthusiasts of all types, and anyone who touches the earth.
WHAT: Gain a thorough understanding of soil central to sustainable agriculture or land management. Dive into the basic principles of the soil food web, plant relationships, and bacterial to fungi ratios. Learn how to select proper Carbon:Nitrogen ratios, and about composting strategies that will get the right biology based on different types of plants needs. Maximize biological diversity with compost tea technology. Get hands on training on effective light microscope techniques and identification. Explore what constituents good compost and compost tea on a microscopic level.
WHERE: Come to beautiful GreenFriends Farm to learn about the exciting microcosmic world of the soil food web to make your farm, garden, or orchard plant and root friendly, as well as much more water efficient!
MORE ABOUT THE PROFESSOR: Dr. Elaine Ingham is a world renowned soil microbiologist who pioneered many of the currently used biological soil amendment techniques and also pioneered the testing of soil biology as an indicator of soil and plant health. She founded the Sustainable Studies Institute as an educational institution and the company Soil Foodweb Inc. which currently has soil testing labs in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the UK, and Mexico. Dr. Ingham is the key author of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Soil Biology Primer and has been the mentor of numerous soil scientists and practitioners of ecologically balanced landscape design, gardening, and farming in this country and abroad.
Customize your schedule to take only the days that are relevant to your learning needs.
Day 1 & 2
Intro to the Soil Food Web – Dr. Elaine Ingham uncovers the basic principles of the Soil Food Web, plant relationships, and bacterial to fungi ratios in this in-depth two day primer. Not only will you gain a fundamental understanding of the way soil biology drives plant nutrition, you will learn how modern agriculture selects for disease and pests.
Day 3
Compost Technology – Not all compost is created equal. There is a big difference between good compost and reduced waste. One of the biggest mistakes people make when building a compost pile is not selecting the appropriate Carbon:Nitrogen ratio for the plants they’re growing. Learn how to select the proper ratios and composting strategies that will get the right biology based on different types of plants and their needs.
Day 4
Compost Tea Technology – We cover the processes that will maximize biological diversity and get the most bang for your buck. Actively Aerated Compost Tea (AACT) and Liquid Compost Extract (LCE) are the most efficient methods for bringing back microbe diversity. This allows you to eliminate inorganic fertilizers and herbicides which decrease diversity and degrade soil health.
Day 5
Light Microscope Training – Dr. Elaine Ignham leads this very special day of training on effective light microscope techniques and identification. Learn about what constituents good compost and compost tea on a microscopic level. This part of the class is essential for anyone who wishes to gain “eyes on” knowledge of the soil universe and what really goes on under our feet. Get the necessary training to identify the bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes that drive the health and well being of our plants. Students are encouraged to bring their own microscope. Make sure you bring your own microscope.
SPECIAL OFFER FOR PARTICIPANTS: Once completing this course students wishing to continue their training with the Soil Foodweb School would be required to take the Foundation Courses. Soil Foodweb School is happy to offer a 40% discount on the Foundation Courses (bringing the cost from $5,000 to $3,000) to students that have attended this 5-day course.
You can read all about the Soil Foodweb Foundation Courses here. For more information on how to sign-up to the Foundation Courses with the 40% discount, please write to FC@soilfoodweb.school
Is there a discount for registering early?
Yes, there is Early Bird Discount available. March 25 11:59 PST is last date to receive the discount. With the discount, the 5 day total is $800 ($875 after the cut off date and time). You receive $25 off the individual day registrations if you purchase early (for example, Day 4 is $170 with discount and $195 without it).
What’s the cancellation or refund policy?
There is a $50 cancellation fee if your request is made by March 25 11:59PM PST. After that, there is a $100 cancellation fee.
Is there any discount if my organization or company wants to send more than one person to the course?
If your organization sends 5 folks to the course at full price, the 6th is free. It amounts to about a 20% discount. Please contact us with your organizations name and website to receive the affiliate link: info@greenfriendsfarm.org
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
There is parking onsite for the course. The nearest Bart station is Castro Valley. You must arrange your own ride from BART, or use UBER or LYFT to get to the farm.
What can I bring into the event?
Food: A vegetarian lunch is included in the course fee. For folks that stay onsite, a simple vegetarian breakfast is provided (vegan and gluten free options available). For dinner, there are many restaurants nearby in San Ramon and Castro Valley.
Staying onsite: PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BEDDING, bring a sleeping mat, blankets, pillow and toiletries. There is no camping onsite.
Please check in Sunday Evening from 5pm-9pm. Please call Guinevere at 510-586-2990 with your arrival time.
Do I need a microscope?
If you sign up for the Light Microscope Training on Day 5, you will get the most out of the learning experience by bringing your own microscope. To purchase a microscope prior to course, here are our recommendations: https://www.amazon.com/Awarded-2018-Best-Compound-Microscope/dp/B0094JTZOU/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=117C0SQPQX3I7&keywords=omax+led+microscope&qid=1551807728&s=gateway&sprefix=OMAX+LED+%2Caps%2C324&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
We’d love to hear from you! Email us: info@greenfriendsfarm.org