What’s it like on a Nature Walk?

What’s it like on a Nature Walk?

The next Nature Walk is on Saturday, June 24th, starting at 2:45 p.m. More information Do you wonder what happens on these walks? Anupama is the lead volunteer for the meditative nature walks. Yes, we have a lovely walk experiencing nature, and more happens. At 

Why are tree trunks painted white?

Why are tree trunks painted white?

Next time you visit the orchard, you might notice the lower part of the fruit trees have been painted white. You may wonder – why is this done? There are a few reasons why fruit trees’ trunks are painted white. Typically the painting takes place 

Do you like honey or apple sauce?

Do you like honey or apple sauce?

This past week we were on a very busy schedule to jar the honey and produce apple sauce. Some of these products will go into our Bags of Hope for the shelters in San Jose. A few weeks ago we harvested honey from the hives 

Brewing Tea for the trees

Brewing Tea for the trees

The past week we have been brewing a lot of tea to feed our trees. Not tea as you might know it, and brewing does not involve a kettle. In this case we are talking about Compost Tea. In recent classes with Peter Ash we 

Filters and Lines at Orchard

Filters and Lines at Orchard

In an earlier post we discussed the tasks of minimizing the water used by the farm. The farm is divided into sections. Each section has its own water cycle including which days of the month,  the time of day, and for how many hours. A section 

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

The vibrant natural beauty of GreenFriends Farm draws visitors and volunteers from around the globe.

Erosion Control

Erosion Control

To prevent erosion, GFF has built check dams, stone culverts, jutes for seeding grass, silt blocks, and silt fences.



GreenFriends Farm is bursting with wildlife. We strive to preserve the natural habitats of indigenous wildlife and provide a sanctuary for them to thrive.