Workshops are not being planned at this time. To receive notices about Workshops when they resume, please join the listserv or inquire in a few months at
Until COVID, GreenFriends Farm was a community learning center for cutting edge sustainable agriculture. Over the past 10 years we have held courses in green farming, permaculture, soil ecology, holistic management, harmonious farming and more. Join our mailing list to stay in the loop about upcoming offerings once the pandemic has passed.
Courses have included the following:
- Soil Food Web with Dr. Elaine Ingham
- Permaculture Design with Geoff Lawton
- The Pruning Workshop with Alex Hogstrom
- Holistic Farm Management with Alan Savory
- Beekeeping Workshops with local beekeepers
- Grafting Classes with Common Vision
- Apple Tree Workshop with Michael Phillips, author of The Apple Grower
- Tulasi (Holy Basil) Workshop with Organic India