Family Nature Day, November 5th 2022

On Saturday November 5th, the GreenFriends farm hosted another Family Nature Day. The purpose of events like this at the Orchard is social and educational. It is an opportunity for people to gather together and spend time in nature but also to learn, share knowledge and give back to Mother Nature for all that she gives to us.
The family day events kicked off at 9:30 am in the Maha Orchard at the Ganesh Puja. There were introductions, some “ice-breaking” activities and plenty of laughing! Chai was served during a break, and a delicious homemade Indian lunch, made by volunteers, was available at the end. Please enjoy the photos and videos below, and we hope you will join us next time!
The main Orchard activity was harvesting persimmons and pomegranates.

There were trust-building activities such as walking with eyes closed and being lead. Another activity involved musical instruments, and a blind-folded person locating the sound. All helping to enhance our senses.

One of the highlights of every Orchard event is always the chai!

There was the introduction of a new method of mulch spreading…
At the end of the day, everyone had fun and the Orchard got some much needed love and attention. You are welcome to join us on Saturday mornings in the Orchard. You can also support GreenFriends Farm by visiting the store.