Four thousand Sevites arrived.

Four thousand Sevites arrived.

It has been a busy March. Losing three of the Bee Hives was disturbing—a combination of yellow jackets and weather. And now it is time to welcome four thousand new Sevites, a new Bee Hive.

Thanks to Bill and Dan for nurturing a new queen and hive for us from their deck and delivering it to Amma’s Orchard. Thanks to Shubha and Jasmine for working on the hives with Bill and Dan

Below are some pictures and videos from the installation of the new hive. You will also hear how the Bees are efficient in their collection. After a Bee has gathered the pollen and nectar from the flower, it will leave pheromones to communicate with other Bees. E.g., “I’ve taken all pollen and nectar, move to the next flower”.

The Bees gather pollen used to pollinate the plants and are rewarded with the nectar. Bees feed on and require both nectar and pollen. The nectar is for energy, and the pollen provides protein and other nutrients. Bees use most pollen as larvae food, but bees also transfer it from plant-to-plant, providing the pollination services needed by plants.

Food for our Bees.

The Bees Arrival.
