July Recap

It has been a busy July at GreenFriends Farm. July started with a honey harvest. Fortunately, we had several volunteers help and the honey is available from the store.
The extremely hot weather was challenging for everyone including the bees. Every effort was made to help them find water. You can help in your garden. Place water in a bowl or bucket, remember to put some sticks or stones for the bees to land on, they can rest and drink.

Thursday seva continued through the month. And Benji joined as a new Karma Yogi. You will see him working in the orchards.

Amma’s foremost disciple from India, Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, visited MA Center in mid-July. He and Amma’s North American disciples from MA Center Chicago and MA Center East Coast: Swami Shantamritananda Puri and Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya toured the orchard, along with Swami Dayamritananda Puri and Swamini Ambikamrita Prana. They enjoyed sampling some of the fruit.

The July harvest started with apricots and plums. This weekend harvesting of apples began. Those not suitable for sale will go to compost or be available for local animals to eat.