Workshop on June 26 – It Starts With the Soil: Improving Soil Fertility for a Thriving Garden

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Join us at GreenFriends Farm with Peter Ash on Sunday, June 26th!
Learn how to improve the biology of your soil so your plants thrive!
Healthy soil can naturally protect plants from pests, diseases, drought and even flooding without harmful pesticides or herbicides.
1. All about Soil Fertility, morning 10:00AM – 12:00 PM $15
In this class we unlock the secrets of natural soil fertility. By understanding how plants function in nature, we learn how to enhance the conditions that promote soil health and therefore healthy plants.
$12 Lunch (optional)
2. Compost Teas and Extracts for Vibrant Plants 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM $15
Everything begins with good, well-aged compost and/or vermicompost. Peter will discuss and demonstrate making compost tea and compost extract.
Compost tea is all about multiplying the microorganisms that our plants need, and then applying them in liquid form by spraying or watering the soil and the plants. Compost extract, made in a five gallon bucket, is a simple, low-cost method for the home garden or small farm. One bucket of extract is enough to treat up to one acre!
Both in-person and virtual options are available.

More about Peter Ash
Peter Ash has been farming for 45 years. He planted and managed avocado and citrus groves in San Diego County for 35 years. Peter switched to organic and sustainable methods over 40 years ago. After completing the Master Composter Training Course in 2007, he immediately began teaching Master Composter courses, vermi-composting, and backyard composting. At the same time he taught and advised homeowners to grow and maintain family fruit orchards and kitchen gardens.
In 2008 Peter traveled to India to study and practice biodynamic agriculture. Seeing the need for improved waste management practices Peter became involved in designing and initiating several mid-scale, thermophilic composting facilities with three large-scale vermicomposting systems for Amma’s Amritapuri ashram.
In 2012 Peter took the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) and began co-teaching it over the next several years. Continuing his training, Peter began consulting and designing internationally. Peter continues to study, teach, consult and design, His passion is in helping farmers to build healthy soil.