The Pollinator Garden

GFF has been busy planting in the new Pollinator Garden to support the Monarch project—Milkweed and the Monarch Butterfly. The Pollinator Garden is a multi-year project. The first stage is to clear the area of the plant Hemlock. The plant is invasive and very difficult to eradicate. While many Hemlock seeds will sprout immediately, approximately 15% will lay dormant in the soil for several years, creating a “seed bank” in the soil.
Last year, two areas in the Lotus Orchard were chosen to pilot the project to eradicate the Hemlock. The first step was to weed (to root level) and cut the Hemlock as low as possible. A black tarp covered the area. This tarp would deprive the plant of sunlight. The tarp was left in place through summer, fall, and winter.
The tarp has now been removed, and we are busy planting native plants and wildflowers in the area. Our hope is these plants can overcome the Hemlock and dominate the region. Over the coming weeks, we will continue to hand-pull the Hemlock to give the native plants the best chance to grow. Based on the success of the pollinator garden, additional Hemlock-infested areas in the orchard will be addressed, and we will create more areas for our pollinators.
Thanks to Leah for the welcome sign.