First tree planting of 2015!

On January 31st, GreenFriends Farm was buzzing with activity. In the morning, an enthusiastic group of Girl Scouts, ages 6-10, climbed up the rolling green hills into the Maha orchard, and proceeded to get their hands dirty planting trees. They were met by the GFF crew and a team from Common Vision, a non-profit dedicated to sustainability and permaculture.
The girls learned about symbiotic relationships in nature, the complex and extraordinary life in the soil, and the important role trees play in our lives. Members of the local AYUDH youth group also made the trek up to the orchard. They were taught each step of the tree planting process so that they could teach other people in the future, and mentor the children.
In the afternoon, members of the local community joined in the fun. Many people commented on how lucky we are to have the Farm and the orchard so close by, a place where we can actively experience and interact with nature. Anadi, who brought her two young children, said, “It is truly beautiful and peaceful on those hills…it is a place for people to come and be inspired; the orchard has bloomed into an outdoor temple of inspiration.”
By the end of the day, 64 trees had been planted, bringing the total planted on the farm up to 652! GreenFriends Farm wants to thank everyone who came for their effort and enthusiasm. Come back soon!